Kayjey's Fiat Coupe Community

Fiat Coupe Community by Kayjey


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Add a dealer by mailing all details about them through the contact form. We need the following information: name, country, address, telephone, fax, email and website.

» Autobedrijf Caudron (Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium)
B.L.S Automotive (Lincolnshire, UK)
Bowes Garage (South Yorkshire, England)
Garage Cornette (West-Vlaanderen, Belgium)
Garage Joeri Verheyden (Oost Vlaanderen, Belgium)
Nick Harper (East Anglia, UK)
PowerFiat ltd (Essex, England)
Turin Motors (Leeds West Yorkshire, UK)

:: Autobedrijf Caudron (Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium)

Mechelsesteenweg 83
9200 Dendermonde
telephone: +32 52 21 01 01
fax: +32 52 20 03 27

review by 'Klaas'

problem analysis accuracy7
problem analysis speed7
problem fixing accuracy7
problem fixing speed7
attention to detail7
technical total7
sales people8
technical people6
contact total7.33
extra service7
courtesy car9
extra total6

Note: this is the score for garage Caudron in the first year I went there.

'My' garage for a few years, until they totally started messing up. Was very please at the start, with very nice courtesy cars (Lancia Lybra with satnav, nice Stilo, nice 147).

At the time of writing, it's been over a year since I've been there. Have switched to a different garage. Was very dissapointed by their inability to fix some problems that other garages had no problem with. I stayed with them because they were friendly people, but had some nasty problems with them. They just couldn't fix some problems, instead causing a load of new ones. I left them to regain some confidence in Fiat. Maybe they changed since then, but I doubt it - I have a few friends who still go there and...

I trust once they start enjoying their business again and focus on customer satisfaction and make good use of the technical expertise they must surely have, they will become a respected garage again.

review by 'Klaas'

problem analysis accuracy2
problem analysis speed2
problem fixing accuracy2
problem fixing speed2
attention to detail0
technical total1.6
sales people6
technical people2
contact total4.67
extra service0
courtesy car2
extra total1.75

Note: this is the score for garage Caudron in the last year I went there.

'My' garage for a few years, until they totally started messing up. Was very please at the start, with very nice courtesy cars (Lancia Lybra with satnav, nice Stilo, nice 147).

At the time of writing, it's been over a year since I've been there. Have switched to a different garage. Was very dissapointed by their inability to fix some problems that other garages had no problem with. I stayed with them because they were friendly people, but had some nasty problems with them. They just couldn't fix some problems, instead causing a load of new ones. I left them to regain some confidence in Fiat. Maybe they changed since then, but I doubt it - I have a few friends who still go there and...

I trust once they start enjoying their business again and focus on customer satisfaction and make good use of the technical expertise they must surely have, they will become a respected garage again.

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